Empowered Endings
Posted on July 21st, 2023

Why we do what we do:

The origins of Empowered Endings

Dr. Bob Uslander, MD and Elizabeth Uslander, MSW MTS recognized that the world of healthcare needed transformation. Their experiences and shared passion for enhancing the end-of-life journey led them to establish Empowered Endings. With a multidimensional approach that embraces patients’ physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual needs, they aim to alleviate fear and create a new paradigm of compassionate care.

Drawing on Dr. Bob Uslander’s 35-year medical career, including 25 years as an Emergency Physician, and Elizabeth Uslander’s extensive background as a Spiritual Counselor and Medical Social Worker, Empowered Endings brings together a wealth of knowledge. Both co-founders have witnessed the gaps in healthcare, prompting their desire to prioritize patients’ quality of life—empowering them to influence their own treatment decisions. This fusion of expertise serves as the foundation for their transformative approach.

Empowered Endings is a collective endeavor, uniting like-minded professionals across various fields. Their shared mission is to ensure that patients and their loved ones have the opportunity to embark on an end-of-life experience where their decisions, goals, and dignity are honored. By rewriting the narrative surrounding death and challenging conventional perspectives on end-of-life care, Empowered Endings provides whole-person, trauma-informed, and culturally-competent support to clients and their families during this profound chapter.

Empowered Endings believes in rewriting the tragic narrative often associated with death. By fostering open dialogue, careful planning, and profound listening, we aim to honor the wishes and desires of each person as they approach their final journey. Our collective vision seeks to transform the Western world’s perception of end-of-life care, promoting a paradigm shift that emphasizes agency, dignity, and compassion. Through our holistic approach we offer support that transcends traditional boundaries, enabling individuals and their loved ones to embrace peace, joy, and fulfillment during this significant phase of life.

Empowered Endings is a testament to the passion and dedication of Dr. Bob Uslander, Elizabeth Uslander, and their team of compassionate professionals. By providing comprehensive care and upholding the values of agency, dignity, and respect, they aspire to redefine the end-of-life experience for individuals and their families. Through their collective expertise and transformative approach, Empowered Endings aims to create a compassionate space where empowerment and a sense of fulfillment guide the final chapters of life’s journey.

Feel free to contact Empowered Endings at any time if you’re ready to talk about your own options.