Do Everything Possible for Care

“Doing Everything” is modern healthcare’s default option for care. It entails doing everything possible to extend life regardless of unintended and sometimes unavoidable consequences.

This approach can look different for each individual and family and can include various combinations of care and support:

✓ For those that wish to continue treatment for a complex illness but prefer to leave the hospital or a long-term care facility, our Hospital-to-Home Care can facilitate a smooth transition and provide care in your home, ensuring that you have the right support to keep you safe and comfortable while providing compassionate and informed support to your family.

Learn More About Hospital-to-Home Care

✓ Once home from the hospital or facility and settled in with appropriate support, our compassionate team of experts provides high-touch, comprehensive, In-Home Palliative Care that optimizes your quality of life in the comfort of your home. Your personal doctor guides a team of hand-selected professionals to ensure you receive the medical and holistic care you need to maximize your quality of life and give your family the gift of attentive support throughout the journey.

Learn More About In-Home Palliative Care

✓ For those who are looking to engage traditional and integrative therapies to enhance their strength, mobility, and connection, Empowered Endings’ vetted community of therapists can provide Life-Enhancing Care in combination with Palliative or End of Life Care. The mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of these therapies have proven to be equally as valuable as the physical ones.

Learn More About Life-Enhancing Care

Our goal is to minimize the stress and overwhelm that so often accompanies the care and coordination of complex health conditions, ensuring peace and ease for you and your family through each phase of your journey.

Contact Us to Learn More About Compassionate Care With Empowered Endings:

Please use this form for general information only—don’t share any personal health information. We can make a personal appointment to discuss private patient information.

Options for an Empowered End of Life Experience

It’s important for you to know that not only are there options, but there are healthcare professionals and holistic practitioners who are willing and able to explore the options with you and your loved ones, prior to and during the last phases of your journey. At Empowered Endings, we believe that everyone should understand their care options, so each person is empowered to make the best decisions about their final days, weeks, or months of life. Whichever path one chooses to take, being at home with proper support is often the best, and preferred, option when feasible.

I am very grateful to Dr. Bob Uslander and Elizabeth Uslander for all their care and assistance to my late husband and our family. Their visits to our home, thoughtful personal attention, and management of his medical and spiritual needs made his final days comfortable and content and allowed him to remain in the home that he loved with his family. Dr. Bob Uslander’s evaluation and interventions, and Elizabeth’s perceptive insights, were especially helpful and eased his crossing immensely.


It’s a blessing that the state of California provides qualifying patients with an option. Nobody should have to suffer. I am beyond grateful to Dr. Bob Uslander for his professionalism, sensitivity and care.

[Webb W.]