Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD)

Medical Aid in Dying, or MAiD—also referred to as Death with Dignity—is a process guided by a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) that allows competent adults with a terminal illness to receive a prescription for life-ending medication. The laws around MAiD vary from state to state, and unfortunately MAiD is still illegal in many jurisdictions.

Empowered Endings has specialized in supporting patients and families through the MAiD process since its inception in California in 2016. We have developed not only a clear understanding of the law—which has changed at various times over the years since its legalization—but also of the nuances of the patient and family needs throughout the process and beyond.

Our team of experts is uniquely qualified to support you and your loved ones through the logistical process of MAiD, and through the inevitable emotional and family needs that accompany it. We also have specialists who offer robust spiritual and grief support as the process unfolds and bereaved loved ones look for ways to integrate their loss and seek new possibilities in life.

We highly recommend engaging experienced physicians and support staff, as the nuances can be unfortunately surprising and uncomfortable, especially for loved ones. Empowered Endings offers various Tiers of support that range from exclusively medical care to robust family support.If you are interested in exploring MAiD, Empowered Endings is here to support you with our experience, expertise, and compassionate guidance.

Personalized Care to Meet Your Needs for MAiD Support

Verification of Qualification for MAiD:

Expert Attending physician consultation, including an in-person visit, comprehensive review of medical records; assessment of your needs; resources, goals and wishes; guidance and support for your family members; relevant recommendations for treatment and care options; evaluation for qualification for support through MAiD.

This consultation constitutes the initial request for MAID, as required by law.

Completion of Legal MAiD Process:

Verification of Qualification for MAiD plus:

An in-person or telehealth visit with the Attending Physician (MD), constituting the second request for MAID, as required by law;

Physician counsel for family members, and clarity regarding the path forward;

24/7 availability from our team of experts to answer questions and address concerns related to the process;

Assistance with completing the required legal documents;

Upon qualification and completion of documents, submission of the MAiD prescription to a pharmacy and coordinate with the pharmacist for delivery to the patient.

*Payment to Pharmacy is separate from Empowered Endings services. Patients may apply to the Empowered Endings Foundation for Financial Assistance with MAiD process or medication.

Wrap-Around MAiD Support:

✓ Wrap-around support accessible at any stage of the MAiD process;

Routine wrap-around mental, emotional, spiritual and social support for patients and their loved ones, including access to counselors and doulas who are accessible 24/7 to provide intimate guidance aligned with the patients’ and families’ goals, wishes and values;

Access to ongoing individual or group Grief and Bereavement support and referrals for additional needs, such as final arrangements and estate management.

*Routine physician, nursing and counselor, and doula visits are scheduled and priced on the basis of each patient and family’s level of need.

MAiD Medication Ingestion Support

Once a patient has completed the MAiD process and received the medication, we highly recommend engaging support before, during and after ingestion of the medication. We can’t emphasize enough how critical, and often underestimated, this layer of support can be.

Our considerable experience demonstrates the importance of having professionals by your side at this delicate, and potentially stressful, time to:

✓ Foster comfort and security for patients and families who can trust everything is being handled appropriately throughout the process;

✓ Allow loved ones to be present as loving, supportive and grieving family members rather than having to manage everything;

✓ Ease anxieties and smooth any potential complications to reduce potential stress and trauma;

✓ Facilitate meaningful rituals at this sacred time as requested;

✓ Ensure clarity regarding time of death and post-death logistics and legalities;

✓ Dramatically optimize bereavement outcomes, including access to ongoing grief support.

In particular, when deep relationships with our Empowered Endings doctors and doulas have been established, having the same providers’ support at the time of ingestion has a profoundly positive impact in the moment and in the grieving and healing process going forward.

For more information about Ingestion Support, please contact our office.


Contact Us to Learn More About Compassionate Care With the Empowered Endings:

Please use this form for general information only—don’t share any personal health information. We can make a personal appointment to discuss private patient information.

Options for an Empowered End of Life Experience

It’s important for you to know that not only are there options, but there are healthcare professionals and holistic practitioners who are willing and able to explore the options with you and your loved ones, prior to and during the last phases of your journey. At Empowered Endings, we believe that everyone should understand their care options, so each person is empowered to make the best decisions about their final days, weeks, or months of life. Whichever path one chooses to take, being at home with proper support is often the best, and preferred, option when feasible.

Bob and Elizabeth are just very gentle souls. There was no pressure and shared with my wife Rachel and I the many options you have to consider. It felt just like someone putting their arms around you.

[Dr. Bill Parker]

For us as a family, Bob and Elizabeth gave us the tranquility and support that we needed at that moment. It made a total difference in the way my Dad passed away. It allowed me to be the daughter and not a nurse.

[Eva Goldstein]