Psychology Today: Navigating a Smooth Transition from Hospital to Home Care

When being discharged from the hospital, a high percentage of people face emotions such as anxiety and fear, which can make the process of transitioning from hospital care to safe and adequate home care feel overwhelming. However, if an effective strategy is put into place before discharge it doesn’t have to feel that way. As a physician with over 35 years of experience in emergency, palliative, and end of life care, I have helped hundreds of people plan for a smooth transition from hospital to home and receive the coordinated care they need to be safe and comfortable.
In this recent article for his Psychology Today Series, Permission to Choose, Dr. Bob Uslander, Co-Founder of Empowered Endings, shares three steps you can follow to create an effective strategy that will ensure a smooth transition from the hospital to home. Coordinating care among healthcare providers, caregivers and family members is especially critical for anyone living with a complex or terminal illness. Pain and other symptoms must be adequately managed. When a roadmap of the responsibilities, necessary resources, and support systems is strategically put into place upon discharge from the hospital, it eases the burden on everyone and enhances the quality of life for all.
3 Steps to Create a Hospital-to-Home Care Strategy:
Step 1: Request an assessment with an experienced team (that includes a physician) before being discharged from the hospital to review options for care at home.
Step 2: Create a discharge plan that is coordinated with all healthcare providers, and the loved ones who will be involved in the discharge and ongoing care at home. Make sure that the hospital team is aware of and comfortable with the plan.
Step 3: Establish ongoing care at home that includes: routine and urgent physician visits with your physician, routine and urgent nursing visits to explore and address any changing needs, appropriate supportive therapies such as physical and occupational therapy, wrap-around mental, emotional, and spiritual support for you and your loved ones, and integrative therapies such as massage, music therapy, reflexology, Reiki, etc.
Completing these steps will give you a solid plan and create a much safer and more comfortable environment for everyone. Equipping yourself with information, resources and support upon discharge is necessary for those living with a complex or terminal illness. These steps allow you to be proactive and avoid unnecessary challenges and complications once discharged from the hospital. You will be less likely to return to the hospital and be properly cared for in the comfort of your home, surrounded by your loved ones.