Life-Enhancing Care

Traditional, holistic, and alternative therapies (massage, acupuncture, physical and occupational therapy, music therapy, etc.) to enhance comfort and connection for patients and their families.

As aging changes our experience of life and begins to limit our ability to engage as fully as we’d like to, it can be frustrating to accept limitations that come with health challenges and changing capacities. While experiences are common, they are often shrouded in silence–it can be hard to talk about and harder to find the right resources to support a higher quality of life, and things change.

In our experience, the benefits of traditional, holistic, and alternative therapies for people struggling with distressing symptoms can be enormous! Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Music Therapy, Aromatherapy, Healing Touch, Reiki, and Cannabis Therapy are a few of the options we’ve facilitated for our patients and their loved ones to bring more comfort and connection into their lives.

The mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of these therapies have proven to be equally as valuable as the physical ones. Patients and their families facing the challenges of complex and terminal illness are often so focused on the logistics of care that they neglect their less obvious needs. Life-Enhancing Care supports the patient and family as they navigate the delicate and dynamic landscape of changing healthcare needs.

Empowered Endings has a vetted community of providers who ensure optimal peace, ease, and comfort for patients and their loved ones as the journey of life unfolds.

We care, and we understand. We know where the gaps are and how to fill them so you feel heard, held, and whole throughout the journey.

Contact Us to Learn More About Compassionate Care With Empowered Endings:

Please use this form for general information only—don’t share any personal health information. We can make a personal appointment to discuss private patient information.

They transformed a very difficult situation into a peaceful, comfortable, and spiritual experience. They were not only supportive of my mother, who was facing end of life, but also offered so much support, patience, and guidance.

[Sylvia Jennings]