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Concierge Palliative & End-of-life Care
websites Websites

End Well

End Well is a nonprofit on a mission to transform how the world thinks about, talks about, and plans for the end of life. They bring together a community that unites design, technology, health, policy, and activist initiatives to transform how the world thinks about caregiving, grief, illness and the end of life experience with the ultimate goal of creating a future where ending well becomes a measure of living well.

Compassion & Choices

Nonprofit Organization dedicated since 1980 to improving care and expanding options for the end of life. They envision a society that affirms life and accepts the inevitability of death, embraces expanded options for compassionate dying and empowers everyone to choose end-of-life care that reflects their values, priorities and beliefs.

Pyschology Today is the world’s largest portal to psychotherapy; it includes free access to hundreds of thousands of professionals and ongoing blogs from network of expert authors (including Dr. Bob Uslander).

support Support

Financial Support - Hebrew Free Loan of San Diego

Hebrew Free Loan of San Diego provides zero-interest loans (also known as no-interest loans or interest-free loans) at no cost to San Diego Jewish Community members to support those facing severe financial challenges or investing in their life dreams. As loans are repaid, funds are recycled to make new loans. Hebrew Free Loan Societies worldwide have proven this model’s success with a repayment rate of over 99%.

Music Therapy/Sound Healing

Musimorphic helps people clarify their desires and intentions, supports their intentions with technology that reaches the depths of the human spirit, and deploys their new current understanding within their sphere of influence.