Death by Design
In an investigation that spans the globe, filmmaker Sue Williams investigates the underbelly of the electronics industry and reveals how even the smallest devices have deadly environmental and health costs. From the intensely secretive factories in China, to a ravaged New York community and the high tech corridors of Silicon Valley, the film tells a story of environmental degradation, of health tragedies, and the fast approaching tipping point between consumerism and sustainability.
We have included the trailer, and if you’re ready to learn more about the film, including where to stream it, please visit:
Dr. Stanley Terman: End of Life Planning and Natural Dying with Caring Advocates
The long-term mission of Caring Advocates is to offer help to patients and families presented with huge end-of-life challenges of Advanced Dementia—regardless of their ability to pay or what type of insurance they have (if any).
The Death Deck
A party game that lets you explore a topic we’re all obsessed with but often afraid to discuss. The Death Deck is 112 cards with a mix of multiple choice and open-ended questions guaranteed to spark lively discussion around the topic of death.
Five Wishes
A national advance care planning program. Providing peace-of-mind for more than 25 years.
Compassionate Conflicts
Compassionate Conflicts aims to protect, cure, and transform relationships as they navigate grief and end-of-life care, through powerful dispute resolution practices, interest-based mediation, and conversations facilitated with care, creativity, and a wealth of expertise.